How to get your time back
Apr 14, 202285% of what you do on a daily basis doesn’t need to be done! (At least not by you.)
One of the most freeing experiences you can have is to gain clarity on what your top activities
We are bombarded daily with requests, emails, tasks, invitations…. it can be exhausting. We struggle to know what to say yes to and what to say no to.
The most effective leaders in the world follow a simple filter method we call the Activities Filter.
When a request or to-do comes across their desk, they run it through this filter:
- Is this a must-do action?
- Is this in alignment with my goals or a distraction?
- Would it be the end of the world if this doesn’t get done?
- Can I just delete this?
Automate / Systemize
- Is there a technology or tool that could do this for me?
- Could I automate this? Like setting up monthly auto shipping?
- Could I create a template to make this easier?
- Am I the only one who can do this task?
- Is this the highest and best use of my time?
- Who would love to do this and is better at it than me?
- These items are in alignment with my goals.
- These are the critical only I can do, top 10% items.
- I will be proud looking back a month from now knowing I did these key actions.
Last step
- Do it now or put it in your schedule to complete at a specific time.
The secret to time management is priority management. Use this filter to help discover the most important things, only you can do.
by Wayne Salmans
WAYNE SALMANS is an author, speaker, and business coach.
In the past decade, he has coached and trained over 6,000 entrepreneurs, awarded 30
under 30 by Realtor Magazine, and ranked one of the top coaches in the world.
Wayne is the coach leaders call when they are done with one size fits all answers and
know they deserve a custom tailor plan to help them get where they want to go faster
and with fewer bruises.
At The Hero Nation, we believe everyone deserves to have a compelling, clear vision of where they want to go and a custom-tailored map to get there. It's hard to create and execute without support, that's where we come in! We assist you in curating the mindset, skillset & toolset needed to become your own hero in your business & personal life without sacrificing one for the other
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